Quiting Gluten? Here Are The Top Swaps, Brands & Blogs For Your Favourite Foods!

So you've decided to quit eating gluten. First of all way to go! Your body is going to thank you for this one! Whether you have a sensitivity to it or not, gluten is inflammatory and really isn't going to help you fix your gut.
If you are new to swapping out gluten you may be feeling a touch overwhelmed. I mean there are loads of gluten free alternatives out there but are they really any better then gluten itself?
The truth is...
Not neceassarily, which is why I decided to do a post on just this! There are a plethora of highly refined, high starch, processed gluten free products out there so let's chat through the BEST swaps for your favourite gluten filled foods, top brands to look out for and even my favourite food bloggers that will guide you through the DIY gluten free baking.
Gluten free grains
We first need to know what grains are gluten free to begin with. Always double check the ingredients to make sure they haven't added other glutinous grains. If you are looking to explore gluten free baking, you will be able to find the following gluten free grains in flour form. I will also share my fav food bloggers that have gluten free baking down to an art.
Brown rice

I've met very few people in my life that have not been a fan of pasta. Let's be honest one pot pasta was my meal of choice through University, also one of the reasons why my gut was a hot mess when I graduated. The point is, it's delish, so let's make it gut friendly shall we?
Brown rice pasta is the easiest gluten free pasta swap to find. Don't be alarmed when you cook the pasta! It is normal for the water to be cloudy, simply rinse the noodles once cooked and carry on.
Tinkyada Rice Pasta: is by far my favourite and they have every shape and size noodle
GoGo Quinoa: also tasty and easy to cook

Crackers are such a fast snack that a lot of people underestimate just how much they rely on them until they go to cut out the gluten and have to swap out this staple. The good news is you don't have to go without.
Often gluten free crackers (the good kind at least) are a mix of nuts, seeds, brown rice and herbs.
Mary's Crackers: If you like a good crunchy cracker, this is the one. Plus they have lots of flavours. I love these with a yummy hummus topped with pickled beets (jus' sayin')

Carb lovers, it IS possible to swap out the bread! Gluten free breads come in all different shapes, sizes and flavours and no, it doesn't mean you are going to be stuck eating cardboard like bread, There really are some great brands out there. Here are some of my favourites, you may have to source other options depending on the area you are from.
Little Northern Bakehouse: This bread DELIVERS! Seriously, it is the closest thing I've found to "regular" ole bread.
Aidan's Gluten Free: Aidan's is a bean based option. They have everything from breads, buns to pitas.
There are plenty of other options out there. Finding small bakeries that cater to gluten free often will provide you with a cleaner, more nutrient dense loaf.
Fav gluten free bloggers
Meghan Telpner: I just love Meghan's recipes, they are delicious whether it is her pizza crust, muffins or bread. She is also the owner of the Academy of Culinary Nutrition and provides a blog on the top 50 Gluten-Free Blogs, check it out here.
The Gluten Free Bread Baking Academy: This awesome course is everything you will ever need to know about gluten free baking.
Gluten free doesn't have to be unhealthy, intimidating or bland. Finding the right resources and getting inspired to try delicious recipes will make it not only enjoyable but WORTH it when your gut symptoms start to ease.