Constipation: How to Get Things Moving
Laxatives are NOT the answer, my friend! This may seem shocking since you may have been told by your doctor, pharmacist and maybe even other health practitioners that laxatives are your only solution. Regardless, the constipation has you in pain, SUPER bloated and feeling like Miss Piggy in every outfit you wear. You have 2 options: 1. Manage the symptom (aka laxatives) and be stuck managing the constipation the rest of your life hoping it doesn't lead to further health issues. 2. Get things moving by addressing the root cause without causing further damage. If you are a solid number 2 (💩🤣 did you catch that?) Than this vlog is for you. Learn how to get things moving consistently and so much more...
Discover How-To End The Gas, Bloating & Nausea Without Having To Follow Restrictive Diets & Take Medications For The Rest Of Your Life.